Roofing contractors face challenges as 2024 kicks off. Indawo is in the media again!

Roofing contractors face challenges. Our Managing Director looks to the challenges 2024 will bring.

Geoffrey Jäck, managing director of asbestos, roofing, and remedial construction contractor Indawo, says the company has remained resilient and vigilant in the face of these challenges, but also stresses the need for balance, diversification, and quality.

“We must strike a balance between quality and financial constraints caused by escalating costs. We also have to stay abreast of evolving regulations and ensure compliance.”

Load shedding disrupts the workflow affecting the ability to meet deadlines. It’s a challenge we’ve had to navigate, but it adds an extra layer of complexity to projects.

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Contractors feel the brunt of the downturn in the economy.

Indawo is a roofing and asbestos contractor in Cape Town, Western Cape. A Registered Asbestos Contractor, Indawo is approved to remove large scale asbestos from buildings. This means areas over 10 square metres that do not require a registered asbestos contractor to remove the damaged asbestos.

Therefore, as a reliable and reputable roofing contractor, Indawo may remove asbestos and replace roofing structures. This means that one contractor is used to remove asbestos and replace the roof with new roof sheeting from reputable roof sheeting manufacturers.

Indawo has extensive experience in removing asbestos at buildings like many city buildings, universities, schools, and on some residential homes.

So, the challenges face contractors and building owners alike, but the real challenge will be matching the asbestos and roofing projects to the right budget and the right contractor.

Therefore, the economy is on a downward spiral with little infrastructure development being included in budgets for 2024 and beyond. This places enormous pressure on the construction industry. As such, some still feel the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic, and contractors will be pressed to be profitable by the end of the year 2024.